Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Buck's Bar. I don't know what Buck's Bar means, but oh how I love it.

What is this strange hold that sock yarn has taken on me? Fleece Artist Merino in Parrot. Tropical bird colors for my feet!

A big ol' pile of Noro Cash Iroha for the Hourglass Sweater that I have been threatening to make for months. It's really much more of a violet-ish color in person. Unfortunately, I ordered ten skeins but the store only sent me 9, I hope this doesn't mean they are out. I was planning on making the size that calls for 9 skeins but it seems like everyone that makes this sweater is running really short on yarn, I was even nervous about getting through with 10.

I have the same problem where I buy way more yarn than I can knit up. At least with sock yarn you actually have a chance of achieving it! Beautiful yarn. I love the parrot colors! You must make something just so that you can enjoy having it in your hands!
At least you fell off the wagon into some beautiful stuff! :)
This is weird. Just this morning I posted to my blog that someone should take my credit card away. Then I was blog surfing totally randomly and came across your blog and you mentioned the exact same thing. There must be something in the air :)
I think by nature knitter's have some crazy yarn addiction! I keep saying, I'm taking a yarn diet... whatever:)
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