Don't let that cute face fool you. An evil heart lurks beneath that fuzzy exterior! While we were in Seattle for the long weekend, she somehow got the second sock in progress down from the top of the bookshelf where I left it, and chewed up all the yarn. Grrrr. Originally I started frantically knotting all the bits of yarn together to finish the second sock, but even with all those knots it wasn't going to happen. So I had to frog a repeat back from the first sock and finish them both a little shorter. They're a little saggier than the longer version would have been - the cuff could stand to be a bit longer. But I'm quite sick of frogging and reknitting these, I think I'll just look for some elastic to run through the top.
Without further delay, voila!

Monkey socks by Cookie A., of course.
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM, 2 skeins (minus the chewed up bits, grr.)
Needles: 2.5mm for the foot, 2.75mm for the ankle, 3.0mm for the top of the leg.
Mods: knit toe-up, all purl stitches knit.
Started: end of May 2007
Finished: beginning of July 2007

These are my first Koigu socks, I LOVE this yarn. I want to trade all my other yarn for more and more Koigu!
Gorgeous!! So pretty! Love your modifications too.
Oh, I love those. Some of my favorite Monkeys that I've seen! I'm almost done with my first pair, and knit the purls too. I prefer the less bumpy result. Love the colors in your yarn, too!
ooo...those are lovely. And pets are evil. My cute little puppy ate a beautiful sz 4 Brittany needle last night. Ate. It. All but a stub. Evil, I tell you.
I really like the alterations you made, and the colors couldn't be better! Great job! Argh! Cats! Mine are the same way. Everything has to be in locking cupboards (they can, and do, get into the non locking ones).
Those are beautiful! I just finished a pair also and was thinking varigated wouldn't look as good- but your pictures proved me wrong!
And I share the Koigu obsession- I've been on a Koigu spending spree lately.
Lovely! It's nice that you didn't run out of yarn for this one. Well, except for the cat-chewed bits. Maybe if you make a third pair, everything will go swimmingly. :)
I found your post through the knittyboard, and I just have to tell you how fabulous your Monkeys are! I'm halfway through my first, and I've kept saying to myself, "I bet these would look a lot cooler if it was all knit," and now that I've seen yours, my next pair will definitely be all knit. And the Koigu... ahh, I love it too! It's just the best!
Those are beautiful!!! I just read your comment for my contest and it HAS to be that pattern. I made that cowel neck sweater and the sleeves were about 8 inches too long too. And the sweater just didn't look "right" on me anyway. I was too disgusted with the whole thing to frog it and try again so I sold 6 balls of knitpicks yarn in sweater form on ebay.
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