I am officially unemployed. Wait, maybe I should frame that more positively. I am officially a doctor! And I'm also unemployed, as of about ten days ago. (To be clear, I have been in a PhD program for the last almost 5 years, and they paid me.) It's looking more and more like I'm going to be unemployed until September, when I'm heading down here. This is more due to laziness on my part than lack of hireability. I had something vaguely lined up and it fell through, and I haven't been inspired to apply for anything else. But I'm feeling really, really good about having this time off. It feels especially freeing to be out of school and unemployed in the summer months. I've had summer jobs (or real jobs, or school) since I was 16, so I'm kind of feeling like a kid again! J. and I just made s'mores over the burner.
What other cool summery things could I do? Besides knitting, obviously. I've been doing lots of baking. And some writing. And more knitting. Maybe when it gets hot enough again I'll run through a sprinkler.
I leave you with some hot girl on yarn action. I bought myself a little graduation prezzie:

I've been remiss in showing pictures of my yarn recently. Everyone needs to see a little yarn action now and then. This stuff is so amazing that I couldn't not show pictures of it. It's like the Elle Macpherson of yarns.

I agree! Yummy!
Congratulations on both graduating AND scoring some righteous yarn!
Congrats on finishing. Lovely yarn, great present. The science writing program sounds very interesting, too.
Congrats, Doc! Oh, I so look forward to the day when I will finish, too. Enjoy your new found freedom, and your new lovely yarn.
Speaking of yarn, guess who finally talked to Colinette? Yup, deets on the blog.
Holy Sea Silk! It's absolutely gorgeous.
Congratulations on your graduation and on your Summer of Rachel!
You should go on picnics & find someplace to go swimming. :)
that's a really cool prezzie for graduation.
Beautiful stuff! The mroe I see Seasilk, the more I covet it (even thouhg I don't knit lace!) :)
Congratulations, doc! And that Sea Silk is Gorgeous.
Congratulations! What a pretty graduation present. And now that you're done cramming, writing and chasing your advisor/trying to find members of your committee, you have time to knit!
It's not unemployment, it's a vacation. So get started on the fun and relaxation.
I am in love with that and the bronze is to die for. Gorgeous!
Congratulations, Doc! I'm also in awe of your present...AND what camera did you use for these great closeups? I just have to get a new digital!
Congratulations on your completion! I finished mine a few years ago, but was unfortunately (?) working full time by then, so never really got my "summer of danielle." LOL.
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