It's cold outside (and inside) and I want to knit a sweater.

Hmm, maybe I will.

The upshot of my horrible week of last posting is that I get to start writing my thesis. This is a really good thing, because it means I'm almost done. (The bad part was the crap I had to take from my advisor to get him to agree to it.) But it also means I am to be trusted sitting at home in front of my laptop all day with buckets of yarn and projects sitting just feet away. Who are we kidding? If there was yarn in lab, I never would have got anything done.
Anyway once the temp dipped into the 30s here in San Francisco (gasp! shield your pets and children!) the lure of the unknitted sweaters was too hard to resist. I started this sweater from the 2006 Holiday VK a week ago and have already finished the back and a few rows of the front, which seems very fast for me. At this rate, I'll be done just in time to start panicking about how I have so little time left to finish my wedding stole. Or maybe I'll just start that panicking right now.
I'm doing it in Cascade 220 in Lichen, one of the heathered colors, so pretty. I originally bought this yarn for a simple cowl neck sweater but apparently that is not to be. Do other people ever really use yarn for projects it was originally bought for? I seem to change my mind pretty quickly after buying the actual yarn.

These cables are so solid and organic looking. I feel warmer already. (That pets and children comment wasn't actually a joke, well on my part it was, but the news around here has been ridiculous recently - one news show the other night said "Freeze warning is in effect for the Bay Area! Protect your pipes, pets, and children!" Come on. I may have become wimpified after living here for a few years, but I still remember what it's like in parts of the country where freezing is a normal winter event. Although I do feel sad about all the ruined citrus.)
Beautiful yarn! what a great colorchoice for a fabulous sweater. Oh, and it is FRIDGID here -- all the trees covered with ice. Fun stuff. At least we have power! I've just been spinning, knitting and playing board games w/ the kids for two days.
I love that sweater. So glad to see it being knitted up, now I can drool over your progress.
That sweater is looking gorgeous, lovely yarn, lovely color!
Your sweater looks FANTASTIC. I'm so feeling cables, and textures this season. I can't believe your cables look so full and lively with worsted yarn. Good for you. I think I need to re-consider knitting my starsky again.
That sweater is very pretty, but shouldn't you be working on your stole? *she ducks* I was feeling nostalgic when going thru my stash and finding yarn I bought during my first master's program. I couldn't afford much.
I love those cables, no wonder it's hard to resist! :)
Beautiful cables! They look so warm and cozy. And I love the heathered shade you picked. Good luck with your thesis! This is why I could never go to grad school, I could never sit and write something like that:)
the sweater is beautiful - the yarn shows off the cables perfectly!!!!
Dear lord you have knit a lot! :) Love, love the cables. I coveted that sweater the most from the issue. Now I knit it vicariously through you. :)
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