Thursday, December 07, 2006

One down (and a yarn contest)

I finished one of my two mystery Christmas projects! Since the thought of all this work and no internet-bragging rights makes me sad, I'm going to tell you about it anyway, surprises be damned.

As a feeble attempt to keep it somewhat secret, I've made a cut thingymabob that you can click on below. I think of this as the virtual equivalent of putting Christmas presents under the bed. Everyone knows where it is, but they know they're not supposed to look so the onus is on them. (J., don't look under the bed!) So, anyone who thinks they might be getting a Christmas present from me, and to be broad let's say anyone I know in person, don't click on the link below. You know who you are. (If you're coming here from a direct link to this post, you won't see the cut dealy. But that's probably OK, I won't email the recipient the link or anything.)
*ETA - I've disabled the link since I couldn't figure out how to stop Blogger from putting one on every post.*

As for the afore-mentioned contest, I feel I've been the recipient of so much yarny love recently that I want to pay it forward, ala Aija. I'm going to make it simple, if you leave a comment in this post, I'll enter you into the contest. The winner will get some sock yarn from my stash (or, if you're not a sock knitter, something else). Let's say it's open until the end of 2006 (since I probably would not get around to mailing the thing before Christmas anyway).
Hooray! My first contest!

Just so there's something for everyone, here's a pic of a persimmon tart I made last weekend:
Persimmon Tart
Notice the heart in the middle? That's for love.

Here's the big surprise!
It's a Picovoli! It's for my mother. Knowing her, she's probably clicked on this link anyway. Mom, if you're reading this, you have to put on your best pretend surprise face at Christmas.
Since my mother is much smaller than I am (she's 5'4" and 34" bust, I'm 5'8" and 38"), I didn't bother trying to model the Picovoli myself. (well, I did try it on, and it barely covers my navel. Not pretty.) Instead, I've enlisted the services of my favorite household model, Paddington:
paddington models picovoli
As you can see, it covers his navel quite adequately.

Natasha wanted to know what was so interesting:
natasha wants to know what's going on

A close-up:
picovoli picots

The specs:
Pattern - Picovoli, by Grumperina of course, from Magknits, size 32" bust.
Yarn - Knitpicks Shine Sport in Orchid, just under 5 skeins.
Needles - Ooh boy, that's a long story. I bought a Bryspun circular size 4 for this project, since I didn't have a shorter size 4 circ, and it broke at the join after a few rows. So I brought it back to the store and got another one, and it broke at the join after a few more rows. Grrrr. So at that point I just switched to the longer size 4 circ I had (I forget what brand, but it's metal) and stretched the bejeezus out of the stitches to make them fit on there. Probably not the smartest way to knit, but it worked out OK.

This is an awesome pattern! My one complaint is that the picot neckline is a bit floppy. This could be due to not blocking it aggressively enough, but it just seems so much heavier than the rest of the shirt that it can't help but fall over. Spray on starch, perhaps? Otherwise it's an adorable little top. I might need to make a longer (and less pink) one for myself.


Anonymous said...

Swung by from knittyboard - cute pico! I've made one myself and am in the process of finishing the sleeve on the second. (Yes... this time around with long sleeves!) I think your edges look just fine, but if you want a quick iron should help them lay flatter. Your mom will probably love it either way though. =)

costumechick said...

I love thias sweater. Every time I see one, I think about knitting it. I should just get to it! I love the color! Mom will be Very happy on Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I also popped over from knitty.
Lovely Pico! I'm sure your Mm will be thrilled with it, even if she has to act surprised. ; - )

Abril said...

Nice! Your mom is very very lucky.

Anonymous said...

I didn't click! But I'll enter in your nifty contest. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Seeing your Pico brings back many fond memories for me. I used the exact same yarn too! It was an incredibly quick knit, and the yarn is a workhorse, it can withhandle many washings and drying too. Your Pico looks amazing, and I'm sure your mother will LOVE it. This is actually one pattern that I would consider knitting again.


Knittypants said...

Sweet picovoli, your mom's going to love it!

Ali said...

Another pop-over from Knitty. The sweater is lovely, your Mom is a lucky person.

Any chance you may send that Persimmon Tart as a gift? :)

schrodinger said...

Congrats on getting two gifts done, and a whole you-know-what for your Mum, it looks great, she will love it! I've not even finished one gift yet, but I'm sticking to hats and scarves this year.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous color choice on the Pico and the tart looks like a pro did it. Man, I wish I had the patience to do something like that. :-)

Jacque said...

Your pico is fabu dahling. It makes me want to get started on mine right away. GReat work... and I'll take a large slice of that tart for the road as it looks ever so yummyliscious.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! Your mom will love it!

knit_tgz said...

Your Picovoli is so perfect! I want to knit one for me, but never got the courage...

Anonymous said...

Your picovoli looks great - lovely color! (The tart looks yummy too!)


Anonymous said...

Wow, the persimmon tart looks great! I don't think I've ever tried persimmons.

Unknown said...

What a great Picovoli! And the persimmon tart also looks amazing. :)

Anonymous said...

That persimmon tart looks really good.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sweater. Found you through Aija!

sheep#100 said...

I love the Paddington modeling! Also, the persimon tart must have taken quite some time to make it look so nice.

Roobeedoo said...

I never know what to do with persimmon so I never buy it - this tart looks lovely! A great alternative to stodgy Christmas pudding!

Em said...

Oh, sweet contest! Your model is very talented, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Contest, yay!

monica said...

That tart looks very good. I have had persimmon pudding but never persimmon tart.

Karen said...

I found you by way of Aija's blog. Truth be told I can't resist any contest involving sock yarn. I have bookmarked your site and will be back. I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Persimon tart....What a novel idea! I'm going to have to try that one out!

And yeah, I found you for a link to your contest, but you're bookmarked now and stuck with me!

Anonymous said...

I, uh...I have no idea what a persimmon is. It looks nice, though.

I'm here from Aija's blog. :)

Kelly said...

pretty color for Picovoli. Your mom will love it!

Anonymous said...

I am here from Aija's blog too. Love the tart though! and also paying it forward. and also sock yarn. So, personally, I think your post is a winner.

Anonymous said...

Love the yummy tart-- beautiful hat! Yeah for the contest. Love those. Now I have to go explore more!

adrienne said...

love persimmons and the tart looks too delicious. i am a sucker for contest. would love to win some sock yarn so sign me up! thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm such a ho for sock yarn, so I couldn't resist entering the contest... Where did you get the tart recipe?

Brittany said...

Mmm.... the persimmons look soooo yummy.

LaVerna said...

What a gorgeous tart and a gorgeous sweater!I popped over Aija's blog for the contest.I am always up for free yarn!

Unknown said...

Maybe its too late, but overhere in The Netherlands its still 2006! Have a good year!